2024/2025 Competitive Aerialists
Grace Gonzalez
13 years old
Aerial Experience: 1 year
Apparatus: Silk & Lyra
Brynna Kriss
10 years old
Aerial Experience: 2 years
Apparatus: Silk & Lyra
Lisa Falanga
60 years old
Aerial Experience: 3 years
Apparatus: Silk & Lyra
Alexandra Andrews
12 years old
Aerial Experience: 1 year
Apparatus: Silk & Lyra
Grace Andrews
12 years old
Aerial Experience: 1 year
Apparatus: Dance Trapeze & Silk
Your Age
Aerial Experience: Tell us
Apparatus: Your favorite
Classes Requirements
Aerialists have to fly at least 2 hours a week and have to include a weekly aerial technique class and a weekly Private Aerial Class to create their solo(s) or Semi-Private Aerial Class to create their duet. Here is a combination of registration options to suit your needs:
Aerial Competition Team Class & Private Aerial Class or Semi-Private Aerial Class
Introduction to Aerial related to your age & Private Aerial Class or Semi-Private Aerial Class
Adult Aerial Class & Private Aerial Class or Semi-Private Aerial Class
Semi-Private Aerial Class & Private Aerial Class
Private Aerial Class (Considered as an aerial technique class) & Private Aerial Class
Taking one of the tumbling classes and registering for Aerial Flexibility is suggested to help improve your skills and score more points at certain competitions, but it is not mandatory. Open Studio also gives you more time to fly and practice what you have learned during your group and private classes.
*If you are a beginner, contact the studio to find the appropriate class for you and still compete*
Competition & Events Requirements
Each aerialist is required to perform in at least 2 competitions, whether virtual or in-preson, throughout the year 2024/2025. The selection of the competitions you will perform at will be discussed with the aerial coach to suit your budget and needs.
Each aerialist is required to perform in all local events and the Annual Production.
Attendance & Time Commitment
By joining the CBP Aerial Arts Competition Team, each aerialist and their parents (guardians), if minor, commit to 1 year of training, performing, and competing with the team.
Each aerialist is allowed up to three (3) unexcused absences from Aerial Competition Team classes and rehearsals. *Excused absences receive prior approval from the director; advance notice of absence does not mean it is excused. The following are considered “excused” absences: Death in the family, Scheduled school programs or performances required for credit, Wedding or religious dedication of you or a member of your family, If you are seriously ill or infectious or injured.
Make up classes are available through Open Studio and Aerial Flexibility.
Students should not miss more than five (5) of any one class per aerial season, after which the aerialist may be dismissed from the Competition Team. Aerial requires consistent, ongoing training, and aerialists who excessively miss classes will not be able to perform at the same level as those who have attended all classes regularly.
Aerialists must be present in ALL their classes and rehearsals the week prior to every performance and competition.
Being a member of a Competition Team is a privilege and comes with responsibility. Personal accountability is essential for a successful season, and commitment to your teammates is a vital component of this success. Even if you perform as a soloist, team spirit helps develop a sense of belonging, support, and shared goals. This not only enhances your performance in sports but also has a positive impact on your overall social and emotional well-being.
Please DO NOT consider being a part of the Competition Team if missing a trip to the mall with your friends is going to be an issue, or if you expect scheduling conflicts with other sports or activities.
Dress Code
All Competition Team members must buy the Competition Team jacket for competitions and local events.
All Competition Team members must wear appropriate training outfit to every class. Forgetting appropriate clothing, proper hair and/or wearing inappropriate clothing is not acceptable. The dress code for the Competition Team is as follows:
High waisted leggings
Tank top or T-shirt or Leotard
Long sleeve (no hoody)
Back Warmer
Hair up
No jewelry
Financial Commitment
Tuition for Competition Team members varies depending on the number of classes they take. It is mandatory that all Competition Team members attend a weekly aerial technique class and a weekly Private Aerial Class or Semi-Private Aerial Class. The minimum monthly payments would be $260 but will vary depending on your specific registration.
Competition fees can range between $75 and $300. The competition hosts establish the fees. Additional ticket fees for parents and the coach can apply.
All aerialists must purchase the Competition Team jacket (average $100).
Each aerialist is responsible for purchasing their costume(s) to perform at competitions, shows, and/or events.
A 50% deposit is required at registration for the aerial technique classes & Private Aerial Classes for the first month of classes. The remaining payments for the year must be made monthly. *It is your responsibility to ensure that your payments are made on time. Late payment will result in suspension of the team until the payment is made.*
Please Note: Competition Team members may also have the opportunity to travel to locations overnight or even over a weekend. Please be aware of any extra expenses that may occur.
Drop-outs: Any aerialist who leaves the Competition Team for any reason during the season is charged $250.
Each aerialist must raise a minimum of $600 by December 1st, 2024. Donations help pay for the coach's competition entries, travel fees, hotel, and per diem for the 2024-2025 season. *Aerialists and parents can also pay that amount directly if desired.*
Any amount raised above the required donation/sponsorship fee will be directly transferred to the athlete’s account and could be used for any expenses related to classes, team wear, costumes, and competition fees.
If the athlete doesn’t raise the required amount, the balance will be applied to its account. To avoid suspension from the team, the amount must be paid before January 1st, 2025.